Step 1
- In the Sorwe connect panel, you can follow Settings, Membership, Authorized Users.
Step 2
- All authorized users are listed on the page that opens. The user is added with the "Add Authorized User" button.
Step 3
- The e-mail address of the authorized user is written and the authorization group is determined. 2 different definitions can be made:
- With the first option, the access areas of the registered users are defined later. (See Step 4)
- Users selected as admin are defined as system administrators who can access all panel features.
- With "Add", the user is added to the authorized user list and appears in the list.
Step 4
- With the "Roles" button, the user, whose list appears, can define which fields will be given access in the admin panel. The fields to be given access from Sorwe's basic 5 modules and features are selected.
- With Save button, user accesses are defined.
- If desired, users can be deleted from the authorized user list with the "Remove" option.
- Users who appear as Admins in the list can access all fields.