• In suggestion main page please clik on Categorize Suggestions, you can see your suggestion categories and you can create a new category with New Suggestion Category button. You can delete or edit existing categories.

  • When defining a New Suggestion Category, you can write Category Name and Description. What is written in the statement will be seen by the employees in the app.

  • Allow users to share their identity? If the box is checked, the names of the suggestion owners will appear. If not, the owners of the incoming suggestions will appear as anonymous users.

  • The people selected in the Assignee(s) field are the people who will approve the suggestions coming to this category and provide feedback when necessary. When a suggestion comes to the category, those who are selected as the assignees are notified.

  • If desired, from the Committee Members area, members of the evaluation committee can be selected for suggestions from this category.

  • You can create your new category with the Add button.