360 Performance

How to Create 360° Evaluation Templates?
Select Feedback then 360° on the Sorwe Connect panel. On the main screen, you can start to create a template via the “Choose From Templates” button.    ...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 5:49 PM
How to assign 360° Evaluation Template to the employees?
360 Evaluation Template becomes visible in the list of 360 templates after the save. The template can be modified by the edit option even just before assign...
Thu, 16 Dec, 2021 at 10:18 PM
How to track and report 360 Evaluations?
After the 360 has been sent to all reviewers, the process of tracking and reporting is reachable via "Distribution Report" button in the template ...
Thu, 16 Dec, 2021 at 5:26 PM